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Is Breast Augmentation with Lift the Best Procedure for You?

Breast Augmentation

October 01, 2024 | 5 minute read

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Breast enhancement surgery has seen many advancements over the last few decades. There are many exciting options for women who want to enhance their feminine curves and confidence. However, you may be unsure which procedure to choose. This blog will discuss the difference between breast augmentation surgery, breast lift surgery, and a combination of the two, as well as how to customize a breast lift with implants.

What Do Breast Implants Do?

Often referred to as a boob job, breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses implants to increase the size of the breasts. There are many options to customize this surgery, including implant material, size, placement, and incisions. However, while breast implants offer an increase in breast size, this surgery alone does not address saggy breasts or fundamentally change your breast shape.

What Does a Breast Lift Do?

A breast lift is designed to change the shape and position of the breasts. Your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin and breast tissue and reposition the breast and nipple-areolar complex to create a firm, lifted, and youthful look. Breast lift surgery on its own can correct breast ptosis (sagging), areola size, breast projection, and breast shape. However, this surgery does not increase the size or volume of the breasts.

What Is Breast Augmentation With Lift?

For the ultimate breast enhancement, a breast augmentation with lift (also called breast lift with implants) is the best of both worlds. With this procedure, we can improve breast volume and shape simultaneously.

Should I Get a Breast Lift With Implants?

So, which procedure is right for you? The answer depends on your goals. Do you want an increase in breast size? Do you wish your breasts were perkier and more elevated? Do you dislike the projection of your breasts or want to correct downward-facing nipples? Do you want to change the size of your areola? Defining your goals and desired aesthetic is the best way to make sure you end up with breasts you absolutely love.

  • Breast Augmentation: If you are happy with the shape and position of your breasts and nipples but want bigger breasts, breast augmentation may be the right surgery for you.
  • Breast Lift: If you are not interested in changing the size of your breasts but are unhappy with their shape or projection or feel they are too saggy, a breast lift is designed to address concerns like these.
  • Breast Augmentation with Lift: If you desire breasts that are both larger and lifted or reshaped, then a breast lift with implants is an excellent option.

Customizing Your Breast Augmentation with Lift

There are many factors that will affect the final outcome of your breast enhancement procedure. 

Breast Lift Incisions

Depending on your starting point and goals, a few different incision options may be used. If there is minimal sagging or slightly lower nipples and you only desire a slight size increase, you may be eligible for a periareolar incision, which circles the areola. Most patients, however, require a more involved incision, such as the lollipop incision or anchor incision. These allow for more contouring and lifting of the breasts and allow your surgeon more access to better place implants.

Breast lift scars usually fade nicely with proper incision care and time. At your consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss any concerns, and learn more about incisions and scars so you can make an informed decision.

Breast Implant Types

When it comes to breast implant materials, there are a few options:

  • Saline Implants: Filled with a sterile salt water solution, these implants make it easy to tell if they rupture. Some people feel they ripple too much or feel unnatural, but others enjoy their saline implants for years. They are FDA-approved for patients 18 and older.
  • Silicone Implants: Filled with a silicone gel substance, these implants feel more natural than saline. Regular screenings are required because it can be hard to tell when they rupture. They are FDA-approved for patients 22 or older.
  • Gummy Bear Implants: Filled with highly cohesive silicone, similar to the inside of a gummy bear, these implants feel natural and will not leak if ruptured. They are FDA-approved for patients 22 and older.

The best option for you depends on your goals, lifestyle, and anatomy. Your surgeon will help you determine the best choice during your consultation. For example, if you are very active, you might want to opt for a gummy bear implant, which is less likely to rupture. If you want a minimal size increase and minimal scarring, a saline implant might suit your needs.

Breast Implant Placement

Breast implants can be placed below your pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or above it (subglandular placement). Both placements have their pros and cons, but patient satisfaction is comparable with either placement.

Submuscular placement is a good choice for patients with minimal breast tissue because the implants will show no visible rippling. This placement tends to show less interference with mammograms. 

Subglandular placement is a great choice for athletic women and female bodybuilders, as the chest muscles can be flexed without affecting the implant. Recovery from this placement is shorter.

How Much Does a Breast Lift with Augmentation Cost?

Because this procedure is so customizable, the cost can vary. During your consultation, you’ll have a chance to discuss your goals and treatment options. Once a surgical plan is made, final pricing details will be available.

Interested in Breast Augmentation with Lift in Houston, TX?

Do you want to enhance the appearance of your breasts but are unsure what procedure would be best for you? Dr. Edgar Bedolla is a compassionate, board-certified plastic surgeon dedicated to helping his patients achieve the confidence they desire. 

Schedule a consultation with us today using our online contact form, or call (281) 990-8487. We look forward to meeting you!

Start your journey! Get in touch with Dr. Bedolla.

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